In RAFIBRA we fulfil the inerting of warehouses, which only can be realized by professionals qualified as Rafibra, who have the season-ticket corresponding to the category P.P.L. III.
The principal aim of the labors of cancellation and inerting of warehouses and tanks of fuel it is regular the actions on the warehouses that they find in disuse or be going to be put out of service, which there have been in use for storing the oil liquid products (PPL).
Normally materials were used as the concrete, the sand or the water for inerting warehouses and tanks, nevertheless, nowadays exist materials much more advanced and prepared to realize the above mentioned tasks of cancellation and inerting: a white foam constituted by a resin of the family of the aminoplastics.
Rafibra manages with this foam, the inerting of warehouses and tanks of form cleans, rapid, without difficulties and effecting with the in force regulation at all time. Likewise, the major primacy of this substance is his aptitude to absorb the hydrocarbons that could be liberated in case of an escape, is for it that this system is perfect for the inertización of tanks and warehouses in urban zones like garages, stores, basements, etc.