Valve of water retention

VALVULA-1-300x225From the year 2001 Rafibra it has created successfully a special design of valves of retention of leading water in sales.

Why has the valve of Rafibra’s water retention had this reputation?. Because it is a device that offers a solution completely to the habitual problem that one believes when the water filters accidental inside a tank or warehouse.

These entered of water inside a tank of fuel owe principally to the intense rains and generate a great worry since the complexity of the facilities makes difficult his detection and extraction of the warehouses and tanks of fuel.

The solution at the water entry in the warehouses of fuel is to install a valve of water retention in the pipeline of aspiration of the warehouses of fuel. RAFIBRA has harvested many clients in a little time, and they have provided an economic and practical solution to a complicated problem.

If his company (it is a service station or any other business) needs one of our valves of water retention or wishes more information in the matter, it can put in touch with to the telephone on 962 443 646 and we will advise him without commitments

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