Decanters and dividers of hydrocarbons

sep01The waters of rain, washers of cars, etc. On having slipped for the soil they drag a quantity of solid residues and remains of hydrocarbons. This type of waters we find them in the service stations, tunnels of wash, mechanical workshops … it is for it that the waters hidrocarburadas must be treated before being wasteful. The process of water treatment hidrocarburadas is a system that consists of 2 phases:

  • 1 ª Phase. Decantation of sands and muds (decanter or desarenador).
  • 2 ª Phase. Separation of hydrocarbons and oils (divider of hydrocarbons).


sep02The installation must be realized in horizontal, stabilized area, not inundable and without aquifer. So much of the decanter like the divider they will have to be ventilated, allowing the gas exit. They can place two devices (1 decanter and 1 divider) or the only vat (divider with the built-in decanter).

In the decanter or desarenador provokes the retention of solid for gravity. The heaviest particles that praise the water in the bottom where they remain permanently retained. To the divider there come the waters that come from the free decanter of muds and sands, the function of the divider is to separate the hydrocarbons of the water for difference of density remaining retained the hydrocarbons and liberating the water it cleans of the above mentioned hydrocarbons.

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