Environmental management

Nowadays, it performs supreme importance to preserve the environment and the nature, in RAFIBRA we are conscious of it, for what our principal strategic aim is the protection, prevention of the pollution of the environment and the integration of different processes of improvement continues.

10 years ago the environmental management of the Service Station has suffered a logical evolution and in RAFIBRA always we have been present as a managing company of original residues of the cleanliness of the warehouses buried of the PPL.

Nowadays we work with diverse services as: maintenance of dividers of hydrocarbons, management of contaminated rags, flourishing pipes, batteries, management of residue of washers of cars, etc. The stations of services try to manage and to be kept the trend of being a green point for our roads and cities.


Rafibra’s environmental commitment S.L.:

  • At all time they were in use in the processes, the technologies most adapted to anticipate, to reduce and, in the possible measure, to eliminate the disturbances that they affect negatively to the health, to the safety and to the environment.
  • Formative activities will be realized in order that the employees of Rafibra S.L, it knows, participant and light-fitting the System of Environmental Management of way a way integrated to all his works.
  • Aims will be effected each year for the improvement and it continues of the environmental actions.
  • Is executed periodically plans of surveillance directed to the prevention of the performances environmental.
  • the environmental considerations will be included between the different reasonings and the products are valued.
  • there will be promoted the use of clean technologies and the minimization of residues.
  • it will help itself together with the public authorities in the establishment and the update of the emergency plans to minimize the effect of accidents that they could cause and concern the environment.
  • the indications will be provided to the clients on the environmental aspects in relation by the manipulation, use and elimination of the products made by Rafibra S.L.

Across the Qualit politics, Security and Environment, Rafibra S.L. puts to his disposition of the interested parts, the most relevant information of the company in what concerns his environmental management.

Our company has a deep respect to the environment. For it, not only we manage the residues produced in our activities but also in those of third parties. Expiring this way with our aim, to avoid the pollution and to protect the nature

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