Cleanliness and degassing warehouse

Cleanliness and Degassing of warehouses and tanks of petrol, diesel oil, fuel oil and chemical products.

In RAFIBRA, we offer as one of our principal services the degassing and cleanliness and of warehouses of oil liquid products (P.P.L.)


The degassing has the intention of diminishing the gas quantity or combustible steams, to value far below of the L.I.E. The appropriate degassing is that one in which the content in gases of the interior atmosphere of the warehouse is below 20 % of the L.I.E.


RAFIBRA uses a system for the degassing of the warehouses patented with the advantages that the danger of explosivity diminishes in 95 % and one prevents from throwing the gases to the atmosphere expiring with the European and Spanish procedure.

The liquids like consequence of the cleanliness manufacturers will be packed in warehouses adapted for his later transfer to the plant of waste management.

So much in this work as after absorbing the remains of fuel that stay in the warehouse, there will happen the decline of the index of explosivity.

All the equipments of ventilation, will be connected to land, together with the distribution of the warehouse.

In no case oxygen will be in use for airear.


Acceding to the interior.

The operatives who enter to the interior of the warehouse, will be supplied with the following equipment:

  • Cotton underwear.
  • Diver of cotton or neoprene.
  • Boots of neoprene, of high cane.
  • Gloves authorized for this type of products.
  • Mask with positive pressure of air. The air source must come from free zones of gases.
  • Harness and safety ropes, hook on the outside, where it will be provided with suitable means of rescue.
  • Explosimeter of direct reading with acoustic sign, connected permanently.
  • And everything necessary to effect the labors in situations of maximum safety.

Information on the access.

Neither will be allowed nor will be continued inside the warehouse until the content in light hydrocarbons in the atmosphere is below 20 % of the L.I.E.

The revenue and the persons’ duration inside the tank, in the previous contexts, will be external vigilance, ready subject to effect the evacuation.

The revenue to the interior will be created by equipments that do not incite spark (stairs of aluminium, with ceilings of rubber, etc.) and it deforms that always a fast evacuation is viable.

The equipment of lighting will be antideflagrante and with not top supply to 24V.

It is necessary to to have special care on having removed the muds, since they will cause an explosive atmosphere. The described forecasts will remain previously and, if it was necessary, re will repeat the cycle of degassing.

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