Tanks transformation from single to double wall

Transformation, conversion, restructuring, to convert Warehouses and Tanks of Simply to Double Wall of petrol, diesel oil, fuel oil, chemical products.


Rafibra relies on a developed system that it resides in the production of a warehouse of double wall inside an old warehouse, with a method of permanent detection of escapes, remaining turned a warehouse of simply into one of double wall. The warehouses of double wall, with a space to annul or intermediate between them, are raised to avoid spillages and consequently the pollution of the subsoil. He establishes himself with a technology of detection of escapes that informs and issues a visible and / or audible sign opposite to the entry / exit of fluid in the intermediate chamber, forming a system of control and permanent protection of the warehouse.

Installation of the system of double wall:

  • In metallic buried new tanks or that have guarded the structural presentations and of watertightness for storage of oil products.
  • In ancient tanks after realizing the works of repair and conditioning according to the Norm IT JOINS 53.991 and presented in our procedure of repair and coating with plastic reinforced in metallic tanks for storage of oil products.

This application is fundamentally showed for tanks of sheet of steel which content they are petrols and gasóleos; for what the physical characteristics of the materials to using, as adherence, elasticity, resistance to the traction, to the compression, expansions and stability in the time are the suitable ones for these fuels and his additives.


  • it is achieved to transform the tanks of simple wall into tanks of double wall that together with the installation of a permanent detector of escapes obtains a system of permanent detection.
  • The method stops the pollution of the subsoil or that of the hydrocarbon stored in case of presence of some escape or fault in both walls, interior or exterior.
  • The system is feasible with the whole available range of system of detection of escapes in intermediate chamber.
  • If the exterior wall of the tank was perforated, a coating containment would stay before coming to the intermediate chamber.
  • The chamber instersticial created is formed between both GRP’s walls guarding the passive interior protection of the metal of the exterior wall of the primitive tank.
  • In case of perforation of the interior chamber, it can return to place a new wall, to install the intermediate chamber and to put a new wall, with which there is restored again the system of double containment.
  • So much the first wall, the intermediate chamber, since it helps wall, they shape a monolithic system of an alone body, due to the fact that the whole material is identical, resins and glass fiber expiring with the norm IT JOINS 53991 as for adherence.
  • they produce neither efforts nor tensions that could originate the detachment between caps and between the first wall and the second one. To The monolithic being
  • The system increases widely the mechanical resistance since the warehouse remains reinforced by GRP’s walls more that of the own warehouse of steel, to discrepancy of other systems that do not reach, or anything, or very little I increase in the mechanical resistance of the warehouse and neither the walls are joined between yes.


The whole set is formed by an exterior tank and the surrounding one interior compound for a coating according to the norm JOINS 53991, one intermediate chamber composed by a three-dimensional fabric RAFIBRA-3D and another coating according to the norm JOINS 53991 in the aspects relative to the chemical resistance. The surrounding one believes a space with the tank that is a monopoly and that forms the chamber of detection.

This chamber of three-dimensional fabric RAFIBRA-3D affirms the constant traffic of fluid, for the detection of possible escapes.

To this intermediate chamber one installs to him a system of detection of the watertightness by means of emptiness, for pressure or liquid.

The interior surfaces of a tank of simple wall re-turned into double wall, will be the dimensions of the original tank reduced in 1 cm approximately, which involves a small fall of his nominal capacity.


Orifice, for the connection of the system of detection of escapes, if it is going to be realized by orifice different from the previous one. These orifices will be communicated by those of the tank



Once constructed the system of double containment will mount an automatic system of permanent detection of escapes on the chamber of detection authorized and authorized according to the constructive type that will be able to be:

  • For emptiness or pressure.
  • For liquid. The liquid of the chamber of detection will be in agreement with the Norm IT JOINS 62350 – 4: 1999 of a type that is not toxic. In the recommendations it is necessary that it is an antifreeze (as minimum up to-20 ºC). It will have antibacterial additives and will be biodegradable and will be colored in order to facilitate the visualization of the refilled one of the intermediate chamber. (THE ATTACHED VIIth).


 Orifice, for the accomplishment of the emptiness, or for the filling of the chamber of detection, with the selected fluid.

To the warehouse two orifices of opening will become to him alone in the zone of the man’s mouth of the interior tank, from the intermediate chamber, one for the entry or exit of fluid and other one for the exit of the air (if it proceeds) with the necessary elements of closing to obtain the watertightness of the chamber of detection.

Transformation of Warehouses of Simple to Double Wall

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